This add-on let's you quickly customize the color of different materials at once. You can just scroll through the different color palettes to see how your scene looks.
As every add-on is installed.
How to Use:
Once installed, in shader editor/material properties tab you can find option "bind to color palette" by right clicking on the color property. Choose color from preset. Press Ok.
Now go to Scene properties tab with iconĀ
You will find Color palettes shader editor panel from which you can manipulate the color.
New : This will create a new color palette/preset. This preset will be in memory so once blender is closed these presets will be removed. To save preset permanently use save to local. If you create new presets and don't want to lose it then don't forget to save it to local file.
Delete : This will delete the preset from memory. When you reopen the file or create a new one deleted preset will be available if it is in the local file.
Reset : This will reset the color to it's original color which is in the local file.
Rename : This will rename the Preset.
Save to local : This will add new preset to local file. By default the color and name will be same as current preset. You can change them. These Colors will saved not the preset one.
New preset will be available next time when you open the blender file.
Delete from local : This will give to the list of presets which are stored in local file. Choose whatever preset you want to delete it then press ok. It will delete the preset from local file and memory.
You will get zip file containing add-on. To install add-on use zip file. Do not unzip it.